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Trenchless Sewer Repair Experts

How Often Should You Have Your Sewer Inspected?

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As a responsible homeowner, you want all of the main elements of your home to be in good working order, right? Most people consider maintaining their roof, windows, furnace and air conditioning; but many don’t think about the importance of regular sewer inspections. Many people think that maintaining and inspecting sewers is the job of their city workers, but that simply isn’t true. There are two parts to a sewer line – the ones inside your property boundary line, which you are responsible for; and the lateral drains, which are located outside your property’s boundary line.

budget sewer seattle sewer maintenance and maintenance

Why should I have my sewer inspected?

Your sewer maintenance Seattle service will help your sewer system operating efficiently. This is only possible with regular inspections and maintenance services. The inspection and cleaning program provides the following benefits:

  • Helps prevent backups and blockages.
  • Removes debris such as grease, tree roots, sand, and grit.
  • Determines the overall condition of your sewer so you can identify potential issues early on.

What is the process of inspecting my sewer?

When you call your sewer maintenance Seattle service, a technician will use a sewer video inspection camera to see right into your sewer line. This allows the technician to see exactly what’s going on under the ground. He will be able to inspect the pipes, identify possible problem areas and let you know how serious they are; i.e. do they need to be addressed right away or is the problem a minor one?

Are they cleaned and inspected at the same time?

You can opt for a cleaning at the same time as an inspection if you like. This involves flushing the pipes and getting rid of any blockages, as well as helps to prevent future blockages from occurring.

How often should I have my sewer inspected?

If your sewer is less than 10 years old, a yearly inspection is probably sufficient. If it’s older than 10 years, an inspection and cleaning every six months may be a better option. Your sewer maintenance Seattle service will be able to advise you on how often your sewer needs to be inspected and cleaned. There are other factors to consider as well, such as the size of your property, whether you have trees near your sewer, and how many people are in your household.

Many services, such as Budget Sewer, offer maintenance packages that make inspections and cleanings more affordable.

What will I notice after my sewer is inspected and cleaned?

Once your sewer maintenance Seattle service has inspected and cleaned your sewer, you should see an improvement in your overall plumbing inside your home. Toilets will flush faster; water will run clearer, and you won’t hear any gurgling noises when taps are running.

No one likes to think about sewer maintenance, but it should be part of your overall home maintenance plan. Hiring a sewer maintenance Seattle company, such as Budget Sewer, will help give you peace of mind knowing your drains and plumbing are in good condition so you won’t have to call them at 2:00 in the morning when your pipes burst.

Budget Sewer can take care of all of your sewer and piping needs. Visit the website today to learn more about our range of services.

Save $25 on Sewer Inspections

Whether you are a buying a home or are an established home owner, sewer inspections are a valuable service that help you detect and avoid problems in your sewer.

Call us or email us and mention the code "Sewer 101" to redeem this special offer.

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