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Trenchless Sewer Repair Experts

Is Trenchless Sewer Line Replacement A Good Option?

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Many homeowners who are living in aging homes have a concern that tends to be hidden from the public eye. For the homeowner, however, it is not a case of out of sight, out of mind. It is a real problem, and when it comes time to correct it, you can expect to pay anywhere from a few thousand dollars up to $20,000 or perhaps even more. Not only that, traditional methods of doing this type of work are not only disruptive, they can have an effect on the surrounding landscaping and anything above ground in the area.

The issue that I’m talking about is the aging lateral sewer lines on many properties. When you consider the fact that a home from the 1940s, which is not too far-fetched in today’s housing environment, is almost 80 years old, it certainly becomes a problem. The older plumbing will inevitably break down, and when that happens, it could result in a pricey and quite extensive repair.

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Looking into Trenchless Sewer Lines

The sewer lines on those properties may last for an extended amount of time, but if it has been 40 or 50 years since it has been replaced, you are about due for a replacement. You might even be surprised to learn that newer homes are not immune to this possibility. Yes, you may have new pipe running from the house but it might be connecting to an older pipe, a pipe that is still your responsibility.

One of the options that is available and is being considered by many homeowners is going trenchless. Rather than digging up the pipe from the surface down, it is able to be worked on without disturbing the existing landscaping and hardscape.

There are 2 different methods available when it comes to trenchless sewer line replacement, pipe bursting and pipe lining. Either will work, and they could save you a lot of headache when it comes to getting the project done.

Pipe lining is fairly descriptive of what will be done. The existing pipe is loaded using a flexible tube that blows resin into place inside of the damage pipe and inflates it. In essence, you are creating a pipe on the inside of the pipe. It is an easy repair, considering the alternative, but it does tend to shrink the diameter of the pipe by about 14 inch. That small of a difference shouldn’t affect the sewage flowing away from the home.

In the pipe bursting method, a new pipe is inserted inside of the damage pipe, fracturing the existing pipe and taking its place.

The time to make the decision as to what you are going to do with your existing sewer line is now. Don’t wait until it is an emergency, because at that point, it can be difficult to take the time to make a proper decision and to consider all of the alternatives. One thing is certain, however, trenchless pipe repair is certainly an alternative you should consider.

Contact Budget Sewer today for more information.

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